Thursday, November 30, 2017

A Work in Progress

Most Wednesdays, I make the journey north to the Moran Fire Station to join the fun and committed crew of firefighters up in the north part of Teton County.  Despite just getting home (and really not wanting to!), I joined the crew for last night's training at Jackson Lake Lodge.  As we descended the darkened wide stairway (power is off this time of year) in our bunker gear and carrying tools, I couldn't help but think of our firefighter brothers and sisters climbing stairs just like these up into the Towers on 9/11.  I shared my thoughts with the crew and we climbed in silence, each of us thinking we would do the same thing. 

On the way home, the inky sky was pinpointed by planets and stars.  A meteor shot across the southern sky in front of my headlights, horizontal and running east to west.  A herd of elk dined close to the road.  As I topped the hill at Deadman's, the snow-covered Teton glowed in the rising moon light. 

I need to do more work, but here is my first try at trying to capture this night time beautiful scene.  The temperature outside was 16 degrees.  It was quiet and cold.  I felt like the only person on the planet.  And I said a silent thanks to those who lost their lives that day.

(I'm pretty sure it's Venus and Mercury to the right of the Grand).

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