Monday, July 27, 2020

Freedom Update

There are moments when things go well.

This weekend the wheel line, which I had affectionately referred to as Mike's Yard Art, was brought into service!  Mike figured out how to get enough water to get his fancy-dancy water pump to charge both the wheel line and the pipe in the fields.  You can almost hear the alfalfa sigh with relief as the water brings a much needed drink to the hot, parched fields.  Adding water will certainly increase our second cut hay crop!  I am impressed and delighted - and so is Mike, of course!

My garden is full of weeds and full of produce!  Mike came out and helped pick over 5 pounds of snow and sugar snap peas and then another 3 pounds on Sunday.  Last harvest of lettuce yielded an abundance of lettuce which is just turning a bit bitter.  I like that taste, but it's peak is over.  I'm considering a fall planting this year.  Maybe pictures next week.

Flowers are radiant this year.  I am so in love with the red annual poppy.  Happily, it seems to spread easily and I look forward to the day when they overrun the place!  Do you know the story of the red flowered corn poppy?   Read about it HERE

The house is cleaned and ready for Air Bnb guests coming on Thursday.  The folks from Harvest Host have enjoyed our place for a free night's camp.  Jack Knife beef has been a popular addition to the Garden Shed refrigerator. 

Mike and I moved the Swarm Bees Saturday night/Sunday.  I am very thankful that he was up for the job because it was not a task for one!  Heavy boxes filled with angry bees and honey made the event quite the adventure.  Waiting until the sun dropped below the mountains to the west, we gathered up as many bees as we could, hoping most were home for the night as we closed up their entry and exit spots.  We split the tower of heavy boxes, contained the bees, and strapped up the boxes, loading them into the back of the pickup truck, strapping them down again to ensure they stay placed in the truck bed.  Down the road to the new location across the valley and up in elevation seated under some aspen trees in a setting with an abundance of mountain wildflowers and water nearby.  It is an awesome setting.  I will leave them there for the winter.  At sunrise on Sunday, we returned to do some final efforts to make the hive and colony whole again. 

There were brief moments of relaxation.  Coffee on the swing on the deck together watching the dew come off the fields, listening to the quiet of the morning.  A shared bottle of my very favorite Chardonnay to go with the very giant pork steak as it cooked up on the grill.  The return to Hoback Sunday night.  Three Advil, a stout gin and tonic, some green chili burritos, and a soak in the hot tub  finished the weekend perfectly. 

Back to work.  I can relax a couple of days now!! 

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