Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Bringing in A Below Zero Year

And so, the tradition lives on!  Disturbed only once before midnight by a call I was cancelled for shortly after leaving and returned back to the card game swiftly, we ate, played cards, and marveled at the clear star-studded sky from the luxury of the 102 degree hot tub on a -8 degree night.  By morning, the temperature would be -20.  The Walton Ranch saw -26 on their thermometers. 

The cold day dawned with a blue sky but still at noon, it was -4 degrees.  Not a great day to be frolicking outside.  A much better day to take a nap in the warmth of indoors! 

Here is what happens when your champagne sits on the rail next to the hot tub in -8 degree temperatures.  Janet brought in the ale to warm up a bit!!

Dinner was a bit stressful for me.  The undercurrent stress of a potential call that I might have to run off for caused a bit of anxiety.  Sorry Mike.  I was a grump until it all got put out on the table and I could sit and sigh with relief!  I have been on duty two of the three years we've carried out this tradition.  It is better to not be on duty.  Plus I missed a lot of amazing and delicious wine.  Although I am pretty sure Todd drank my share!! 

Salmon on top of fresh sautéed spinach, a dollop of white grits, and topped with a caper cream sauce.  A nice salad and a charcuterie board of goodies started us off in style.  How did we end that meal?  With some of Janet's cannoli desserts, of course!  A fine meal to the end of 2018. 

And finally a note of thanks.  Thank you to all who have reminded me, once again, how incredibly blessed I am to be supported by so many people who love me and call me daughter, sister, inlaw, wife, and friend.  Your generous gifts - things and words - have overwhelmed and humbled me.  I am sure I am not worthy of all this, but I thank you and want you all to know how very full my life is because of you!  The word gratitude does not even come close to how I feel as this holiday season comes to a close.  What a wonderful feeling to begin this New Year!!  Thank you All!

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