Wednesday, April 1, 2020

The Curve Goes Up

We are watching the curve of cases rapidly go up - as was expected.  Twenty six cases in Teton County.  Still, it is a bit terrifying and supports my no-grocery store decree.  You can see the Wyoming COVID map and report HERE

Breakfast.  Day One. 

Steel cut oats cook up ever so well in an Insta Pot.  I throw in 2 cups of steel cut oats, 5 1/2 cups of water, 1/2 teaspoon salt and cook for 6 minutes.  This is very important....turn it off and let it cool for 10-15 minutes.  Trust me, I just saved you a big, sticky oatmeal goo mess.

I have a mixture of dried fruit, nuts, coconut, and brown sugar made up for topping.  With this big batch, we spoon out a meal's worth, nuke in the microwave, and pour on some almond milk.  One thing about this breakfast; it sticks with you.  I can make it all the way to lunch before my stomach growls.


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